
Saturday, July 20, 2013

So what's up with me?

So if you're reading (and you probably aren't because who wants to hear me literarily flail on the internet [but I'm gonna do it anyway]), you're probably wondering where the heck that last post came from (you're not) and where I've been (but I know you don't care).

You see I've been busy. Like, really, it's not laziness, or anything, I've just been stupid busy. I know I've been AWOL for a while now, but I'm working on cutting out the parts of my life that are forcing me to do that, I promise. It's not because I've been lacking things to talk about either, it's just because I've been lacking the time to sit down and write about them.

So here's an update on how I'm doing and what's going on in my life before I dig into all of those drafts and half-finished pieces of finery for you fine folks (that I'm imagining exist).

First, Artscubed. I finally made the decision to step back from this organization that's been a very important part of my life for many, many years now. While I've had my complaints, the reason why I'm quiting is actually because my plans for next spring will likely not even allow me to be in the state to physically attend the Middle Tennessee Anime Convention. This has been one of the biggest changes in my life recently, because I've been attending MTAC for nine years now, and it was my very first anime convention back in 2005. Though we fight and quibble and argue, the staff of Artscubed are my geek family. It was the decision to resign that has pretty much lead to me being able to accept and be happy for the opportunities I have available to me in the future.

Speaking of the future, my boyfriend has moved across the country to Portland, OR and though I've been avoiding talking about just how excited I am for it, I am OBNOXIOUSLY excited to be joining him next year when I finally get my degree. I'll finally get to live on the West Coast! Hippies and public transportation and liberals and nudity, yay! I'm especially excited for the opportunity to meet new lolitas and expand my friend base.

Also WEST COAST! Sakuracon! Anime Expo! PAX! PMX! Comic Con! I could go on and on.

So yeah. Those are a couple of the most important changes in my life, currently. I've been in classes all summer and I've been working a lot of overtime, so things have been a tad boring, but I know I've got some fun stuff coming up in the next couple weeks and I've got a really exciting line-up of fall events to share! So whether or not you are there and reading, I'm still going to post.

Lots of love and hugs and kisses to you all,

♥ Princess Kisha 

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