
Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Happy Living Space = A Happy Princess

One thing I've always been really bad about is keeping a neat and organized living space. :c

(Look guys! A better watermark!)
(This is actually a bit neater than average, you usually can't even really see my floor!)

Sitting in my messy room, it's hard to be motivated to do anything because you simply don't have the room to do anything. And when it's not a matter of having room, the messiness is often a distraction that keeps you from getting any real work done. Many times I have told myself and others that I can't do a certain thing or task because I have to clean my room and do laundry first. I then end up spending the rest of the evening catching up on the internet and/or being distracted by Netflix. Since October I have been telling myself that I'm going to clean and finish unpacking my room, and since October I've been putting it off.

Now that we have begun 2013, I couldn't put it off any longer. In my family we have a tradition of cleaning everything in the house during the first few weeks of the year, and it's one of the few traditions that I actually still keep. At the insistence of the little nagging voice in the back of my head, I set aside an evening to clean and organize my room and I finally did it!

Now that it's clean, I have to keep it clean. One of the things I've noticed is that the main reason I end up with stuff all over the floor is because some things don't have a convenient location or have no real location at all. For example, I prefer doing my make-up in my room in front of a mirror, but I've only got the one tall mirror and no surface to place my stuff while I'm using it and when I'm done. While contemplating what I needed to do to fix this and other inconveniences, I decided to borrow an idea from Violet LeBeaux to document some of the updates I plan to do to my living space. My changes won't be as sweeping and all encompassing as hers are, but they will be significant compared to what I currently have.

I think that making my room prettier and more user-friendly will ultimately lead to me wanting to keep it clean, and my learning to keep my room clean will lead to more productivity on my part. I always feel more zen and ready to work when I'm working at a clean desk in a clean room with a cup of tea (but really, everything goes better with a cup of tea). I'm already in the process of creating a vanity area and I also hope to be revamping my desk soon, so look for entries specifically about those areas and more!

Until then! =^_^=


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