
Saturday, January 19, 2013

Goals for the New Year

I know I'm a bit late to make any sort of list of resolutions for 2013, but the year has hardly started, and it's really never too late to try and better yourself. That being said, a new year provides a good excuse to give yourself a fresh start on new goals, and greater motivation for old goals. I like to make a list each year so that I can focus on my goals, and as something to reference as I work toward achieving them and marking my progress.

Though I make a list each year, this year I wanted to try something different to help remind me to stay focused. My roommate and I have both made collages representing the goals we plan on working toward this year and inspirations to continue working hard.

(Please forgive the crappy watermark, I have yet to sit down to/get help with making a new one.)

Parts of this collage represent...

1. ...Getting Healthy
This is easily one of my most long-term goals. Growing up as the "tubby sister", I never quite got over feeling like the fat-one and though my weight has fluctuated from "healthy" to "muffin top" and back again, I was rarely satisfied. This was sort of a good thing, as it not only prevented me from gaining the "freshman 15" when I started college, it actually motivated me to go to the gym on a very regular basis and eat mostly healthy, small meals. I was at my leanest at the time and only looking back can I see how small I was. So now I'm working hard to get back into those habits, as well as utilizing my current knowledge about how to stay fit and healthy. This is represented in my collage by the fitness models on the right-hand side and some of my cosplay desires that are sort of dependent on me losing some weight (like Lum).

2. ...Being Pretty and Fashionable
This is definitely is another long-term goal of mine. In previous years, doing these things were very easy and not worth mentioning as goals to accomplish. However, since I stopped working in the beauty industry, I find myself doing less to accentuate my appearance to the point where most of the time I look and feel sloppy and unkempt. I'm tired of wearing jeans and t-shirts, so one of my goals this year is to work harder on my daily appearance and to get fun with my wardrobe. I owe it to myself to pamper my skin and hair and to wear clothing that makes me happy. Obviously most of my collage represents this ;) .

3. ...Having Better Self Control
One of the most important factors to accomplishing my goals this year and to be successful in life is to have better self control. This touches every aspect of what I do, from forcing myself to wake up at the first alarm, to stopping myself from eating when I'm not hungry. Since I'm still a student in addition to working full-time and participating in various hobbies and volunteer jobs, I must find a way to have the self control necessary to accomplish all of the tasks I have set for myself. The collage as a whole is going to be one of my many reminders of the things I want to accomplish and the fact that the only way I can do it is through better self control.

4. ...Doing More Creative Things
Whether it's crafting or sewing, drawing or writing, I need to find the time to work on the things that allow me to express who I am and to bring something cool into the world. It was easy for me to draw often when I was in school because it was either that, or actually pay attention in class. Now drawing takes up time I often need for other things, such as other arts and crafts, schoolwork, blogging, etc. I hope I can get myself to draw more, but if not, I would at least like to make more things. This collage is an example of me making things, it serves it's purpose as a daily reminder and an art project, and I think I did a pretty good job, considering it's my first project of the year :) .

So these are the thing that I plan on working on and accomplishing this year. Do you make resolutions each year? Do you do anything else with your resolutions/do you have something that inspires you to work on your goals?

Until next time! XOXO


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