
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Where She Introduces Herself...

So now that I've broken the ice a bit, I bet you are wondering who I am?

My name is Kisha, A.K.A. the Otaku Princess.

That up there? That's me. I am a student, an artist, and a geek, particularly of an anime-centric variety. I will gladly call myself an otaku as it's one of the easiest ways to identify me as a person, but it's certainly not the only thing that defines me. Because of my love and interest in anime, I found myself also developing an interest in Japanese culture which more-often-then-not is visible in my love of Japanese street fashion. I have considered myself a member of the lolita community since 2006, but I am interested in and wear pretty much any style I think is cool or cute. This includes gyaru and hime-gal, fairy-kei, geek chic, gothic, and even punk styles. Working in the cosmetics industry, I think one's personal appearance is incredibly important and should reflect the kind of person you are, which is why I care so much about fashion, health, and beauty.

However, this tends to conflict with the fact that I am a geek. Most people assume that if you are into video games, comic books, cartoons, etc. that you cannot also be a pretty girl, or be interested in other things, like shoes and make-up. I will readily bust that myth, as I am all of these things. I love the idea of playing with my eyeshadows to create a whole new look, but I also enjoy going a few rounds in Tekken 6 or having a long, drawn out discussion about the meaning of the differences between the Evangelion series and the rebuild films. I wear my geekiness proudly on my sleeve and waste no opportunity to flash my geek cred. I love cosplaying as my favorite characters, attending and volunteering at conventions, and running panels on the things I enjoy most. My idea of a fun night with my friends often involves Blue Moon and board games. I am a geek and knowing that my friends love me for who I am is what's most important to me.

So what is this blog going to be about? It will  be about my exploits as a pretty geek! I plan on writing articles and making tutorials and videos about fashion and Japanese culture as well as happenings in the world of geekdom, from convention appearances, to speculation about upcoming geek media. In the future, I even plan on working with Offhand Games on a weekly "lets play" of games that I like and want to share with the world.

I look forward to getting into the swing of blogging more and finding my routine! If there's anything you would like to see me post or write about, feel free to leave a comment and let me know!


1 comment:

  1. Wow. Would it be creepy to say I love you? Ah, who cares, I'm saying it anyway.

    I love you.

    I know exactly what you're talking about with people thinking that girly and geeky just don't mix. I've gotten the weirdest looks when I'm talking to people, all dolled up with curls, make up, and a dress, and then I mention video games.

    Haha, some people just can't comprehend the fact that you can obsess over both shoes and video games! :)

    The Girly Gamer
