
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Making the Most of My Days Off

My life has slowly been driving me insane.

Tomorrow will be the sixth Sunday in a row that I've had to work overtime. When I first started my current job last year, we were on a four day work schedule working ten hours a day. Now we work on a more traditional five day schedule working eight hours, with weekends off (before our weekends rotated, but every other weekend was a three-day holiday, almost. This new schedule has the benefit of being very reliable when we aren't running sales, but it also allows for less time off.

Before you math my face off, yes, I understand that I'm still working 40 hours a week (except lately it's been closer to 48), so work, itself, isn't taking up more of my time. However, spreading it out over five days instead of four give me less of a break and even though our shifts are shorter and less brutal, we now have an extra day of having to deal with the hard work to make up for the time shaved off of the rest of the days. Often, on days when I do have to work, I don't want to do much else that isn't relaxing or fun, because I know any stress or fatigue I incure is going to be compounded by my grueling job.

To combat this, on the days that I do have off, instead of being incredibly chill like they used to be, I try and cram in as much fun stuff as possible, so that I can still have the opportunities to do the things that I want to do, without knowing that it has to end because I have to go to work in a few hours. Yesterday was a perfect example of this. 

In the morning, I woke up around 9:30, got dressed in some frills and headed out to get some unnecessary and probably unwise shopping done, because dammit, I deserved it! I wore an outfit inspired by my favorite Sailor Scout, Sailor Mars, pairing a t-shirt with a cute Annahouse skirt and flats. I know the coord isn't perfect by any means, but I liked it and might wear it again if I'm jonesing for some casual lolita:

I even had Sailor Moon's star locket! We started selling these little gems at work and while they don't play music or even open (I didn't know until after I bought it), it was still a cute piece for my outfit. I still want Mars's henshin wand from Kuma Crafts someday, but that'll have to wait until at least after AWA.

I stopped by Hot Topic and Sephora and picked up some things that I don't need, then I dropped by Nashville Anime Day for an hour or so to shop a bit and hopefully meet up with some new lolitas in my community. Maybe it's because I'm getting old or because it was such a small event, but I felt really out of place there and when I didn't find the lolitas I was looking for (lol!) I just decided I'd meet them another time. Here's my haul!

Most of it's from Hot Topic because of my employee discount, but I got some nail polishes from Sephora and in the dealer room at Nashville Anime Day, I picked up some pins for my girly punk vest (including this awesome "vintage" pin from Magic Knights Rayearth).

After shopping and a trip to Smoothie King for a King-sized Green Tea Tango, I met up with the ladies for our Sailor Moon tabletop RPG (because I am that much of a geek) and PIZZA! After the game, we went out for froyo at Sweet Cece's (today was a bit of a food binge for me) and went to our second viewing of Pacific Rim.

Over all, it was a very full and very fulfilling day. Today, I am cleaning up my room a bit and trying to stay as relaxed as possible before working another Sunday that will become overtime on my next paycheck. Hopefully next weekend they will let us have our full weekends back, but until then, I'm making money and making the most of the days that I have to myself.

Until yonder 'morrow breaks,

♥ Princess Kisha 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, just hearing about your busy schedule makes me want to be more productive with my time. I feel so lazy in comparison!

    I really like that Sailor Mars inspired outfit though! She was my favorite Sailor Scout for the longest time. :)

    The Girly Gamer
